About Me

Hi there, and thank you for visiting Top Project Management!

I’m Samantha, Founder of the Top Project Management website and experience. I am currently a Ph.D.-level Chemical Engineer, with more than 20 years of research, academic, and project management experience. When first starting as a college student and then as an academic, I didn’t realize how important organization skills, effective training, and project management would be in my professional and personal life.

In addition to running Top Project Management, I currently run my own research group, teach chemical engineering and research methods courses, run a state-wide undergraduate research program, and oversee the professional development of hundreds of students, staff, and faculty at several universities in the areas of time management, project management, research skills, and self-efficacy.

In my personal life, I like to read for fun – everything from sci-fi and fantasy to “self-help” to business – as I love to learn and work towards becoming my “best” self. I also enjoy cooking, yoga, hiking, skiing, and hanging out with my husband, Stephen, and our two crazy cats, Lexi and Evie.

From Poor Grades to a Ph.D. – Overcoming ADHD

As someone with diagnosed with ADHD as an adult (only 2 years ago!), it has been a lifelong learning process to figure out what worked for me with respect to being the most efficient me to both increase my productivity and allow me more time to do the things I enjoy doing. As someone who struggled with learning and organization in college, I managed to over compensate for my weak executive functioning skills by developing my own systems of organization and project management, with much trial and error that continues to this day.

Fortunately, it was through this work that I was able to complete my B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering and move on to a position in academia and professional development. After talking to many people about my struggles with organization and prioritization, I realized that I am not alone and this is an area where many of us need help. This is where Top Project Management comes in the play, as I want to help YOU achieve the level of productivity I experience each and every day!

Let Me Help You Achieve Your Goals!

My goal is to help you increase your productivity by providing information through the best project management software, training, seminars, and tools available on the market today.

If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and I will be more than happy to help you out!

All the best,



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